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2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디 > 스포츠·레저

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오늘 본 상품 8

  • 2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디
    2023 HONMA 5,511,130
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    쿠첸121밥솥 6인 329,000
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  • 미즈노 프로 241 Azalea 아이언 세트 2024 617281
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2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디 > 스포츠·레저

2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
판매가격 5,511,130원
모델 2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽
배송비결제 무료배송

선택된 옵션

  • 2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디


  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽1카트백 그래프레이디
    HONMA Beres Lady Go Full Set Women Presenting a most admirable HONMA Beres ladies golf set, coupled with the expert artistry of master craftsmen with 65 years’ experience in the art of club making.
    Stunning Lady Go Golf set helps set dreams of destination golf trips, reminiscent of Bali’s blue tides, and clean, fresh air on the greenest courses.
    Modern aesthetics mix with timeless craftsmanship to characterize a limited-edition golf set for ladies.
    Lady Go 12-Piece Set includes: Driver, 12.5° Fairway, #5 Hybrid, 25° Hybrid, 28° Iron Set #7-10, SW Chipper Mallet Style Putter, 33" Inches Golf Cart Bag Accessories Tote Bag Club Cover Shoe Case Apparel in size M A driver that produces great distance even with low H/S A utility ball that has a good grip and makes it easy to lift the ball.
    An iron set with a low center of gravity structure that lifts the ball easily, increases the repulsion of the face, and provides excellent flight distance.
    A putter with a head shape that allows for easy directionality.
    This is a luxurious 11-piece set that includes these 10 pieces and a chipper for a stronger approach.
    What's more, it comes with not only a caddy bag and head cover, but also a tote bag, shoe case, iron cover, and apparel. TECHNOLOGY A SPECIAL SET MODEL TO COMMEMORATE THE 65TH LAP DEVELOPED BY HONMA FOR FEMALE GOLFERS.
    An all-in-one set for ladies golfers who have started playing golf with an entry set, have acquired a certain level of skill, and are ready to enjoy the golf life in the future.
    As a model, HONMA has developed a setting based on total balance. SLIT SHAPE “SPLIT GROOVE AREA” (1W) THAT MAXIMIZES THE DEFLECTION EFFECT The spring structure with slits [SPLIT GROOVE AREA] placed at three locations on the center, toe, and heel sides maximizes the deflection effect of the face at the time of impact, producing a large flight distance even with low head speed. HEAD SHAPE THAT FEELS GENTLE AND SECURE (1W) In order to achieve distance with a small head sp
    Golf Club Flex : Ladies
    Hand Orientation : Right
    Golf Club Loft : 11.5 Degrees
    Brand : HONMA
    Item Weight : 20 Pounds
    Grip Type : Putter
    Manufacturer : HONMA
    Item Package Dimensions L x W x H : 48 x 10 x 10 inches
    Item Dimensions LxWxH : 48 x 10 x 10 inches
    Brand Name : HONMA
    Suggested Users : womens
    Part Number : 3500211474270011

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  • 2023 HONMA 여성베어스레이디고 풀세트 RH 11클럽+1카트백 그래프레이디